
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Been A While - New Guard Info

So first off, I know it has been a while.  As I said last time, my life is busy and 40k is simply too time consuming for me to add to my plate.  I am transitioning out of the service and will be starting a business with a close friend once I get out, so essentially I have two jobs right now, when I am not doing one, I do the other.  So fun time for me is stuff that I can do quickly, which is unfortunately not 40K.  But I have still been keeping tabs on the game.  And fear not, the blog is not dead, it will be a while till I get back to posting as often as I used too, but it is not dead as long as I have my IG.

In the news if you haven't seen is that there are a lot of new guard formations in the new Mont'ka tau book, some very good ones.  Sure they are "Cadian", but yeah, use whatever models you want, its just good rules.

I will be picking the book up soon, but it really ups the IG in a lot of areas with the formations and detachments.  Artillery and Armor got some great boosts, as well as the plain old infantry.  I will go through all of them soon, once I can pick up the book.

So stay tuned, more is coming.



  1. Good to see you back, and good luck with the new venture. I hope it all works out for you.

  2. A happy "welcome back." Glad to see one of the best IG (AM) reviewer/players/commentators wasn't gone for good. Best of luck in your business venture.

  3. Welcome back! Was sad when you went MIA for 6 months, but glad to see you return.

    I've already gotten the book and I'll be writing some posts for the Cadian formations and Lords of War so you'll have something to refer to in case you need it (most likely you don't).

    1. Oh, and good luck for your business! I know how hard it is to start one in this economy, but I wish you all the best! Don't give up!

    2. Thank you, I won't, start small and build from there

    3. Ha ha, in the end you didn't need my stuff for reference, you went and bought the book! How was it? I enjoyed the fluff, but I think you're more interested in the Formations. I like some of them.

    4. I thought the fluff was ok, had some really good parts, but also had a lot of 40k Trope, could have been done better.

  4. dude there is a hell lot to check out now plus a possible new book with new stuff next year

  5. Glad to see you back. I'll be glad to see what another IG player thinks about the Mont'ka formations. I'm a bit mixed but some are great though.

    1. My initial thoughts on them are live. Glad to be back.

  6. Like the rest I´m happy to see you back. Been waiting for this day. :)Good luck now with your work and hopeful to see more of you here :)

  7. Hey nice to see some new Posts here ! Perhaps my e-mail gave you a little motivation ;) And now I will read your thoughts about the new formations see you later ^^

    Grets from Germany


  8. Hey good to see you back in the trenches! All the best for the new business and i look forward to seeing some new content on the blog ☺

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