
Friday, May 23, 2014

7th Allies Changes and Others that Help the Game

 With 7th we have a new Allies chart and changes to the rules for allies.  A few things have been cleared up and there are a few big changes here.  Plus there is another change, not directly and ally change but one that has been pretty contentious to the 40k community.  The allies chart now makes a lot more sense, and a lot of the broken combos have been hit, but some can still be done, but overall the allies chart makes sense fluff wise.  This was a needed change and I like it.

So the big changes are that all Armies of the Imperium are battle bros. Tau are no longer battle bros with eldar and SM.  They are desperate with Imperium and convenience with eldar.  Eldar are only battle bros with them self and Dark Eldar, which makes sense.  Another big change is that CSM and Demons are Come the Apoc with Imperium, so IG and CSM are not as close as they once were.

However, this does not mean the Apoc cannot ally anymore.  Below are the changes to how allies work.:
Battle Bros - benefit from warlord trait; ICs can join; "friendly units" for psy powers, abilities, etc.; can use special abilities to repair vehicles; can use modifiers and re-rolls on reserve rolls; can embark on each other's transports

Allies of Convenience - treated as enemy units that cannot be charged, shot, attacked or targeted; cannot move within 1" of each other; no warlord, no IC joining, and basically none of the above stuff but are impacted by that effect enemy models.

Desperate Allies - same as AOC plus if within 6" roll a D6, on a 1 they do nothing

Come the Apocalypse - same as Desperate but cannot deploy within 12" of each other.

No restrictions on scoring for any allies. They seem to get objective secured.

So big changes here, Battle bros can go into allied transports!  This is fine with me, it fixes the confusion of whether ICs could go into an allied transport and as for allowing allied units into transports, I don't see it being too crazy.  Ogryns in land raiders, if you feel like spending that much points.  Things like that can happen, but I really don't have too much of a problem with this.  It makes more sense.

You can repair each others vehicles now, and any army modifiers for reserves go for all units you have.  Convenience changed slightly and an important thing to note is that they are affected by rules that "affect enemy models".  For example there is the warlord trait that forces enemy models to use lowest Ld if within range, this will affect your allies as well as opponents army.  So allies of convenience (and the rest) will have to be more careful when those rules are in play.

Desperate is pretty much the same, within 6" roll and on a one they do nothing.  Come the Apoc can now ally, they have all the restrictions as Desperate plus cannot deploy within 12" of each other.  Really its a minor restriction but nice that it is there.

Another big change and one that I am happy about is that IC cannot ever join an MC, with a few exceptions for tyranids in regards to carnifexs and primes and such.  So no more Ovesa star.  If you have an MC, an IC cannot join up with them.  I really like this change and how it drops some of the cheese that was seen in 6th.

I am really a big fan of the allies changes and think that this and combined with psychic changes will hurt almost all of the big deathstars.  Psychic is harder now and units can only cast the same power once.  This is great, so a seer council can only cast fortune on itself once, if it fails it fails and they can't use it again.  Since it is written as unit, even ICs cannot then take a shot at it.  This is huge.

I am liking this better and better.



  1. sounds good to me!! Especially the allies in transports, Howling banshees or wraithblades in Deldar raiders!

  2. I like it as well just think of creed joining a SM devastator squad and making them relentless or commissar Yarrick in a terminator squad i think he would fit in there even better if they were Black Templars for the fluff he is just as tough as them. I can see lots of very good things coming from the new rules.

    1. Can't find a way to make Creed join some devastators, Creed isn't an IC.

  3. I don't view this ally chart as fluffy at all. Fluff-wise there's just as much reason to have CSM working with IG as regular SM. Not all factions of the Imperium should be battle brothers either as some don't trust each other at all. It really creates a large disparity in allies between the haves and the have nots. Sure, sure, 'come the apocolypse' can ally now, but you're kidding yourself if you think that is anywhere nearly as useful as BB. They really need to even out the number and types of allies each army gets. I really liked 6ed except for the allies matrix and I'm liking everything I see about 7th except for this blasted chart which is mostly worse than the last.

    1. I disagree. Militarily, the forces of the Imperium still work as battle brothers, even if their may be politics, trust issues and such. On the battlefield they work as a battle bros 9/10 times in the fluff. I never said Come the Apoc was as useful as BB, just that it was better than before. I guess per fluff, loyal IG don't work with CSM, which is how GW is viewing it. You have the FW vraks renegades lists to use if you really want traitor guard.

    2. What about the cursed foundings SM chapters?

  4. I think these changes are positive, but the FOC changes are ridiculous.

  5. I used an ultramarines/space wolves list, and my rune priest always died early. If now I can get him in Calgar's drop pod, he'll survive a lot more. I like that change.
    P. S congrats on your blog man, reading you from across the ocean!

  6. Can i ask what's possibly a stupid question, but is there a limit on the number of allies you can have and remain a battleforged list? Is it still one for every primary detachment? or could you say take Cyphers detachment, a Scion ally detachment, legion of the damned detachment and space wolves as allies for your guard primary detachment and remain battleforged if they all adhere to their FOCs?

    1. Not a stupid question. Basically how I understand it to be is that you get an ally detachment for each primary detachment. So if you have one primary, you get one ally, though i believe the special ones like INQ still have their exceptions. You have the same minimum requirements to fulfill for ally detachments.

    2. So presumably that means if you want more than one ally for your primary you become unbound without a second primary detachment. How do you qualify for a second primary detachment? How many can you have?

    3. No, all you need is points. So I do one primary with hq and 2 troops, then ally detachment with 1 hq 1 troop, then a second primary with one hq 2 troops, then another ally 1 hq 1 troop and so on and so forth until you run out of points. Points and minimum requirements are your only restrictions
