Sunday, January 26, 2014

Imperial Guard Rumors: New Name & New Date

Ok so some new rumors have finally broke and they are kind dumb (see above).  Here are the links for Faeit and BoLS.  Ok so the Imperial Guard are rumored to be getting a new name, the Astra Militarium.  I will be blunt, its a stupid name and I will not be happy if it comes to pass.  I would like to note it is not because I don't want the IG to be renamed (well I don't), but because the name is dumb and it has no reference to the fluff whatsoever.  Now if they renamed the IG to Departmento Munitorum, that I could get behind, 'cause you know what, that is the IG's technical name within the Administratum, the giant organization the oversees the running of the Imperium's government and defense.  So rather than go with a name that already exists within the fluff and is unique enough for Trademark (as thats the real issue), they pull something like this and give us the Strategic Star, oh boy, sounds like a GD cereal for the army, I sure can't wait to get me some Strategic Stars -_- .

 So I might be a little upset by this, honestly I will be more upset by this ass hattery vs some crappy rules. I admit I am a fluff player, there are some that would gladly play with a plastic cube if it had good rules, I am not one of those.  Fine stormtroopers suck, but at least they're still Imperial Guardsmen.  I seriously hope that this is not the name they go with, at least if they change the name, let it be something better.   The issue with this is that they would have to change all of their boxes and kits to have the new name.  Sure sister's got a name change, but they also are limited production and only have a few model blister packs, most of which are available online only.  To rename a line like the imperial guard with a huge product line seems unlikely and far too costly.  Keeping the name means new kits and old kits will still be compatible and not have completely different names, over here is IG, then next to it is Astra Militarium, to a new player those are two completely different armies.

I think this is a low possibility, but this has as much to do with my hopes as business sense.  Now the other rumor is that IG is in april.  Now this has been a rumored release date before, granted a while back, but its not out of the blue.  March has been the supposed date for a while, but the nids were supposed to come out in november, then december, so its not out of the realm of possibilities that march is wrong.  Now a lot of these rumors are originating from 40k radio, who in general have been pretty close on the rumors they put out, which is why I am so worried about these rumors.

The only thing is what is going to be released march then?  Dwarves are coming next month, it is possible for a two month release similar to Dark Elves, with a small 40k release.  I will point out the November saw a push of dark elf miniatures and the Inq codex released.  With the rumor of Imperial Knights coming and being released in march, I can give this rumor some credence.  If they are doing a large model push for dwarves, they may stage it over two months, with Knights to keep 40k fans happy through march.  Will be interesting to see what more comes out of the rumors on this.

Note that Knights will not be IG.  With the world of dataslates that we now live in, this is what is coming. I am actually very happy with dataslates and what they bring to the hobby.  Say what you like, but never before could you have this.  Especially with 6th being MC heavy, I see this as the imperial answer to a wraithknight.  GK have dreadknights so it will be interesting to see whether Knights are walkers or MCs.  I really am hoping for MCs as they outclass walkers by a mile in 6th edition, they have the rule support that walkers don't.  Unless they get a profile similar to a leman russ plus a void shield, I really can see these as MC's along the lines of a wraith knight.

I love big walkers and monstrosities, I will make no secret that if GW released a titan/walker combat game, I would sell out immediately for it. Scale the titans down, say a warlord is Riptide size, reaver dreadnaught size, warhound termie size, anything smaller IG infantry size.  Note this would not be Epic, as that game exists and is is own thing, this would be titan/walker/MC combat only and at a different scale from Epic.

If the model for the Knight is cool, I will be buying (or four), as I love Imperial Walkers and would love to have a cute mini titan with a giant chain sword :).  I'm on the fence on how it will go rules wise, but GW has been on a MC kick so I would be surprised if they classified it as a walker, but it is not out of the realm of possibility.

Anyways, other than the Knight rumors, I am not too happy with what I am hearing on the IG and really hoping the 40k radio guys are wrong in the rumors, as I have been waiting on march for a while now and will be disappointing to wait another month :(.



  1. Could someone be very bad at English language? Perhaps the Imperial Guard are to be renamed Adeptus Militarium.

    Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Sororitas, Adeptus Militarium....makes sense except why were the Space Marines not renamed Adeptus Astartes. That would at least justify Black Templars, the least Codex chapter in the entire Imperium, being in the book with Rupert Girlyman's blue boys.

    1. What if thats the name given to the codex in its play test phase?

    2. Space Marines has always been just a generic name for the codex because it is not SPECIFICALLY Ultramarines. I'm perplexed that you would have to justify the Black Templars being rolled into the SM codex when Space Marines as a codex already is used for Imperial Fists, Salamanders, White Scars, Iron Hands, among many others. While organizationally different than Codex compliant chapters, as reflected in rules and chapter tactics, the Black Templars are a descendant of the Imperial Fists, so it only goes to justify it's own position in the SM codex. The Ultramarines may have always had the greatest character presence, but then you have also had the presence of other chapters represented as well through Captains and sometimes Chapter Masters of other chapters like the Crimson Fists. It really agitates me when people say that codex SM is codex Ultramarines.

  2. I REALLY hope that Astra Militarium is false rumour. I cant see reason why would so well established name as Imperial Guard change. It would be huge cut into fluff, whole Black Library...nope, I just can believe it (phase of denial:))

    For the April release...dunno...we didnt see much hard evidence. Some tyranids leaked in october (od didnt they?) so I think we would see something already. My guess is August, but...just firing from hip :)

    Astra Militarium? Nope, nope, nope, nope....

  3. I really doubt that it is bad at english. Maybe it is just a place holder for the actual name. It is out of place and would only contradict the decades of BL novels and established fluff, so hopefully its flat out wrong or not the actual name. At this point only ONE codex has been renamed, and a minor one at that (sorry sisters), and one a trend does not make.

    Spring for IG has been a very solid rumor for the last 6-8months so April/march is most likely IG. I am very hopeful on march, but april is likely as well. The only thing that was leaked for nids was the new hive guard kits so not really off point that nothing huge has been released yet, especially with everyone still poopy faced over nids clogging up the airwaves. I expect more IG rumors to drop heavily in the next two weeks.

  4. The new name sucks. I will still call them Imperial Guard f that noise.

    I don't like this new data slate. A new auto-include riptide/wraithknight equivalent unit for all imperial armies? First data slates suck and I don't want to legitimize them. Second all armies become MC spam armies or look similar. I won't be buying/playing that shit. It is is a blatant cash grab that poops on the game. Yay let me take my IG with my Inquisition detachment, my money grab robot detachment, and poop allies blah, blah, blah. Also my primary is now called "Astra Militarium" LOL. Sigh.

    I hope they at least give IG (won't call them AM) a decent codex like Space Marines got, and not dump out some shit like what the 'Nids got.

    1. thing is that on a battlefront a lot of Imperial armies ARE gonna have similer supporting units. allies, allow us to feild flurry things like guardsmen with space marine support. etc

    2. If data slates keep coming out with units of 'autoinclude' quality, eventually it will become impossible to include them all. But sure, to start off with it'll most likely be 1 or 2 divination inquisitors and a knight! Haha!

    3. Lol, that is true. Hey if something is that good, its hard not too. But if everything was good, then there would be choices to make at least.

  5. The new name (assuming it is true) is not the greatest, I agree. However, having come from Grey Knights, I distinctly remember saying to myself, and others, at the time: "screw that, I'm going to keep calling them Daemon Hunters". Guess what, after a year or so, I found myself using the term Grey Knights. I suspect the same will happen here. We'll just say AM instead of IG.

    1. Yeah but the Grey Knights at least had some back ground in the fluff before the codex name change. Was not completely out of the blue like this is. We will see though

    2. and there is the fact that grey knights isn't to bad a name, a lot better than the proposed IG name. lets hope they gain some common sense and either stick with IG or go for an existing name, like departmento munitorum (not that I think it sounds much better)

    3. You both make good points. Guess we will have to wait and see.

    4. we will, either way I'm not going to rage quit

  6. Worst case... just say you play Cadians (or Catachans, Steel Legion etc..). Because at the end of the day, those are the models on the table! ;)
    Long live Cadia!!!

  7. Calling them Space army seems a bit silly seeing as the Guard are like the only army that doesn't actually fight in space, the Imperial Navy fights in space, the other races fight in space but according to the lore the guard can't fight in space

  8. Taking a bit of a nerf with the new book- I could take (means I would just have to re-think my army), but this name change rubbish really has got me worried/annoyed...

    You never go full retard GW, never...

  9. I think that past of the reason for the name change is clarification, as with the SoB's. the imperial guard is the army, the ground troops, valk's and vett's and any new fliers they bring out are imperial navy, and as such shouldn't be in the IG codex. changing the name means there inclusion doesn't create any continuity errors with the fluff.

  10. Not quite imo: Valkyries etc provide on-planet ground support and transportation. The Imperial Navy, as in starSHIPS, is for interplanetary movement, space combat and such.
    And from a gameplay perspective it wouldn't be wise in any way, to remove flyers from a codex nowadays.
    Whatever the reason, I still hope it's a rumour and we stick with Guard :)

    1. Well techincally from a fluff perspective, valkyries are part of the Imperial navy. Many are attached permanently to IG units though that use them constantly. But it is a good point that creating a broader codex that includes the IN would allow for them to throw more flyers in there and not have to worry about fluff issues, though I doubt GW rarely worries about fluff issues with the retcon button.

    2. Well, that wouldn't make that much sense, considering how many non-GK units are in the GK codex.

      I still hope the name change was simply a working name in semi-internal documents like playtest rules, to make it less obvious who they mean.

      The name itself is dumb, even Munitorum etc. would be better, as that is mentioned at every corner of the fluff.

      As for the delay to april to make the Knights a dataslate, that's a double-edged sword.
      On the one side, a further delay stops my army building process.
      On the other, the Knight won't be a part of the codex, meaning we can choose to use it or not, contrary to the riptide which is an integral part of its codex.
      The codex will be designed to work without it, we're not forced to put 3 or more Knights on the table to be competitive.

    3. I like that the knight won't be IG, its available if you really want it, but you don't need it to function. Then it becomes more of do I want it? vs do I need it? I much rather have the option to bring something cool rather than be pushed down that path. Another thing is this may signal a larger inclusion of Adept Mech in the future.

  11. Before i start, i just want to say i have become an avid fan of this blog since i discovered it a couple months back. Keep up the good work man. Now on to this "rumor", i have been an avid guard player for quite awhile now (6 years i think) and i have to say i fall into the camp of hoping this "Astra Militarum" name is nothing but someone spouting some nonsense. However like you grumpy if it turns out to be true i will simply carry on with the hobby i enjoy. Hell i have a catachan army and everyone says they are the ones to be dropped.... *COUGH APOCALYPSE* *CATACHAN PATROL COUGH*.. so im used to rolling with the punches. Regardless of the name i am definitely looking forward to the new book so i can learn whole new ways to curb stomp anyone wearing +3 armor :D.

  12. A real dumbass wrote this review. The Departmento Munitorum is a sub section of the Imperial Warmachine that is responsible for making and supplying the troops with gear, not the entire Guard. Astra Militaria simply means Space Army in Latin. Get the fuck over it.

  13. I just want the codex to come out. I grabbed the chaos space marines codex. The forced challenge crap for char. Sux arse. But i havent played since 2nd ed. And it seems like the game has been dumbed down huge. And has gone the way of cash grabbing. Love GW models but hate 6th ed. Rules

  14. GW made a game called Titan Legions. It was compatible with Epic but it was also a stand alone game for massed titan combat. Ill be honest though. Titans don't feel epic without the infantry swarming around them. So if you want to leave the infantry out of Epic you are basically just back at 40k with weapon destroyed rules for infantry.

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