Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Projects

Ah a new year.  Now I am not one for resolutions, think they are silly, but I do have plans for the upcoming year.  My professional life is in flux so may determine how much of this happens, especially if I have to move to an area with less gaming, but we will see. 

One thing I really want to focus on is expanding my small space wolves force into a more well rounded strike force.  Already I am collecting the parts for converting a wolf priest, so I should hopefully have that done in a couple of weeks.  I love the SW dreads, whether competitive or not, and and collecting parts for them as well.  I have a decent amount of pods so I am lucky there.  I really want the SW flyer, so that is on the list as well.

For IG, I want to expand my armor section, as its decent sized, but I want to run the steel host and I am just short of that.  I looking to go more combined/ally armies this year.  Same for scions, start playing with different options to see what builds I can make.  I really want to use demo squads in drop pods, and definitely want to fine tune my bullgryn use, as I really think they can add a lot to the IG army.

I do have a vindicare assassin, so I am planning on an inquisition/scion/assassin army build to play around with that.  Want to have all the assassins, but will prob end up kitbashing most of them rather than getting their old models, we'll see.

Really this is going to be a year of fine tuning and filling out on the bones I have.  Hopefully a tournament or two, but honestly will prob only get as far as the local and regional ones.

Thats my plan for the next year, depending if Admec turns out to be real though this will be a def addition.  What are your plans for the new year for your hobby?  Expanding on your army, trying out new tactics, or starting a new force?



  1. My project's are build my Militarum Tempestus up to nearly 2.5k. Build a blood Angel successor army. And a Dark Elder force!

    1. Good projects! I really want to do a dark eldar force, one day *sigh*

    2. You have 2.5k of Militarum Tempestus! You, sir or madame, are my hero and I need to see pictures of this...please.

  2. My main aim/New Years resolution for this year is to get my main IG painted. It's been a work in progress for a couple of years now and work has been very slow, so I need to get it finished before I can move on to my other projects, namely my BA successors. Got plenty of models sitting ready for painting, just need the time to paint them!

    1. Yeah, its a pain sometimes to do all that painting. I have a decent amount to do, just getting myself to sit down and do it is the hard part.

    2. The big one is getting the time to sit down and paint. life, work and little ones seem to take up every second I have!

    3. I can certainly relate to the lack of time to paint. I kid you not, I have somewhere around six hundred miniatures in some point of transistion between assembled and finished paint job. Most are nearly done, just in need of final details, but as you said, life and kids and everything else always seem to get in the way.

      But strangely, my hobby resolution this year is not to finish painting, but to play more. Until just recently I could end up going six months between games, as there was practically no one to play against in my local area, and I've had to drive up to an hour one direction to find people to play. Now a local video game place I know the owner of is carrying GW products at their and my prompting, so I've at least convinced his staff to start playing. Yay for me!

  3. Make progress through 2000pts of Black Templars, 2000 pts of Blood Angels Successors (the new ones - name escapes me), Finish painting 1500 pts of Tempestus and progress on 2000 pts of Dark Eldar. Firmly in the grip of the addiction :(

  4. My goal is to build an ork walker army and crush all the guard players under stompy foots! :)

  5. I've made a resolution NOT to buy any more models until I get through my backlog of unpainted models.

    The rumors of the AdMec codex has me very interested though. I'd love to have Skittari and Mechanicus models running along side a mechanized Astra Militarum force. Wait and see I guess...

    1. That's actually my wife's resolution for me.

    2. I think thats most of our wife's/girlfriends resolutions :)

  6. Current project is a playable contingent of pre-heresy Alpha Legion. The painting level is higher than my IG, so that will take time.

    IG has been on ice for a while, but my recent games with them have been so much fun that I started building more options, like Russes and more infantry.

    If AdMech Skitarii turns out to be true, I'll definitely start that. Spice up with a few conversions and FW models (Myrmidons mainly) and it's good to go. FW models are great, but the whole epic-robot-stuff/legio cybernetica isn't what I associate with mechanicum, it's the flesh-steel-weapons-constructs mentioned everywhere.

  7. My project is an army of classic Valhallans, a childhood dream of mine.

    I jumped back into the hobby last year and started this project, but sadly didn't get as much done as I hoped I would.
    That is, besides collecting a pile of miniatures in dire need of paint.;)

    1. Nice, valhallans are pretty darn cool, would be great if they got new models too one day.
